Friday, September 26, 2008

Apparently, I'm somebody...

Thanks to Julie Kenner, where I found this video in the first place. But I don't have a Facebook page. hangs head in shame

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Time Flies

I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted! We're well entrenched in our school routines now and busy with soccer practice and games. On the writing front, I'm working on my partial, getting the chapters polished and writing my first synopsis. I'm also taking a few online workshops. What can I say, I'm a glutton for punishment! One of them is on plotting (an area where I need help), one of them is on writing a synopsis (what! I thought it would help and it has) and the last one is on writing a paranormal novel (again, thought it would help).

I also updated my MySpace page. Mom's chemo is over so I traded the pink background for one with leopards on it, since my current WIP features a leopard shape-shifter. Today momma told me that she's supposed to begin her radiation treatment soon. Oh, well. I like the leopards, so I'll leave them for now.

And I've become completely addicted to Twitter. Come on over and follow me. There's a link in my sidebar.
